Tinnitus or noises in the ears are the noises not detectable externally by someone else. Some people hear a high pitched ring, while others can experience tinnitus like roaring ocean waves, or a chorus of cicadas. Ringing can be in one or both ears. Tinnitus can be there constantly or comes and goes. It is important to have a full assessment of your tinnitus with our Audiologist.
Not a lot is known about the causes of noises in the ears. What we do know is that there are some common conditions linked to tinnitus:
- Noise induced hearing loss
- Age related hearing loss
- Exposure to loud sounds eg. a music concert
- Ear infections & disorders
- Otosclerosis
- Meniere’s Disease
- Ear wax
- Extreme stress & trauma
- Some medications
About 1 in 3 Australians will experience some form of ringing in the ears at some point in their lives. 1 in 6 Australians report that the noise is constant.
Stress can be a contributing factor in making tinnitus worse in a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety. It is common for tinnitus sufferers to have trouble falling asleep. Our audiologist can advise you on options to help alleviate your tinnitus and stress.
Although there is no tinnitus cure, there are many treatment options depending on your circumstance. A full assessment, including a hearing test, is needed. Noises or ringing in the ears affects different people differently and your treatment plan takes this into account.
In some rare instances, tinnitus can be a sign of serious abnormality of the auditory nerve which may require surgical intervention. If you suffer from tinnitus, the best course of action is to see our Audiologist.
At Ability Hearing and Balance, we provide a number of tinnitus treatment options.
Sound Therapy
Tinnitus associated with hearing loss can be treated with hearing aids. About 80% of patients fitted with hearing aids notice an improvement in tinnitus. Correcting a hearing loss with hearing aids makes the tinnitus softer and less noticeable.
Many hearing aids now have dedicated tinnitus soothing programs to help patients relax and manage their stress. Hearing aids can also be tailored specifically to mask out your tinnitus through a process of tinnitus matching at our clinic.
White Noise Generators
Not all tinnitus sufferers will need a hearing aid. Many tinnitus sufferers have normal hearing and hearing aids are not suitable. White Noise Generators have in built calming sounds which help mask the tinnitus as you are falling asleep.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is a form of habituation therapy that helps you cope with tinnitus. It is sound therapy combined with relaxing techniques. The duration and results of the therapy varies for individuals. Our clinic also provides hypnotherapy to tinnitus patients.